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the corona situation in japan is getting better and better

so be patient for a while please

i donate my sperm to anyone in the world


charge fREE std free

when i visit the country you live in, please aymy fee


raw material

the most natural right  way


excellent  IQ and EQ  with medical degree

you can book me right now

7 ladies got pregnant and 5 babies have been born already. 3 boys and 2 girls

Gさん 関西地方 2021年 男児
次は貴女です。YOU are the next!
need help?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adi pisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Service Detail

The most common way to receive. I am going to give you my semen in an amber- colored bottle. You should inject it into your vagina with a syringe and silicon tube that i will give.

The most natural way to have a child, in another word, the orthodox sexual intercourse. You have to test STD negative in advance.